I would like to collect extra segments from the Ember router in an array.
Here is a made-up path
to illustrate what I mean:
this.route('group', {path: 'group/:group_id(/:segments[])*'}, function() {
Is it possible to use a request like this:
GET /group/123/some/path/segments
And have them collected in an array?
group.id = 123
segments = ['some', 'path', 'segments']
Or is there any way to define optional segments, so I can just add many and collect them manually?
Under the hood, the router is using route-recognizer to determine the routes. There is the notion of star-segments
router.add([{ path: "/pages/*path", handler: page }]);
result = router.recognize("/pages/hello/world");
result === [{ handler: page, params: { path: "hello/world" } }];
This seems like what you're looking for
As a side note, this is my usual 404 approach:
Router.map(function() {
...very last route
this.route('not-found', { path: "/*path"});
export default Route.extend({
return params.path
404: /{{model}} not found!
such that /foo/bar
yields: 404: /foo/bar not found!