
'overridden method does not throw Exception' when use lambda with override exception thrown

To prevent to be closed as duplicate, this question is totally different with this one.

Consider I have the following interface

interface FuncE0<R, E extends Exception> {
  R call() throws E;

It works fine with lambda

FuncE0<Integer, IOException> get() {
  return () -> 1;

But if I let the interface extends from Callable, it breaks.

interface FuncE0<R, E extends Exception> extends Callable<R> {
  R call() throws E;

With the same usage. Complier gives me following error error: call() in <anonymous JustTest$> cannot implement call() in FuncE0
    return () -> 1;
           ^   overridden method does not throw Exception

What happened when I override the exception thrown? Is this a javac bug?

I'm using jdk_1.8_112

Minimize code to reproduce

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class JustTest {
  public static FuncE0<Integer, IOException> get() {
    return () -> 1;

  public interface FuncE0<R, E extends Exception> extends Callable<R> {
    R call() throws E;


  • This is a jdk bug which has been fixed 1.8.0_171(may not the lowest fix version).