
Is there a way to define output folder per file with Dotfuscator?

This is a part of my Obfuscation XML file:

 <inputassembly refid="1d9224f1-30bd-49dc-8e3a-30753XY2ed4d">
    <file dir="${buildfolder}" name="My.precious.dll" />

Is there a way to also define an output folder? Right now, all dlls go to the same output folder.


  • I don't think there is a solution in Dotfuscator Community, except to wrap the build in your own script that moves the files around. In Dotfuscator Professional, you can configure a post-build event for each module, and that event could copy or move it. There are some additional properties that are defined for post-build events, that might be useful.

    Full disclosure: I work for PreEmptive Solutions, who makes Dotfuscator.