In three address code a branch can only have a binary relational operator,
if x relop y goto L1, where relop is (!=,==,>,>=,<,<=)
How would the following be represented as three address code format:
j = 0
while(j < 10 || j < 20)
Here is my solution which is obviously incorrect:
j = 1
sum = 0
if j < 10 || j < 20 goto L3
goto L4
mt2 = sum + 1
sum = mt2
mt3 = j + 1
j = mt3
goto L2
sum = 2
You break it down into two tests:
if j < 10 goto L3
if j < 20 goto L3
goto L4
(Did you mean j < 10 || j > 20
? As written, the first test is redundant.)
In general, ||
and &&
are control flow operators and translate into individual branch instructions. Note that boolean not
is often implemented by flipping labels.
Boolean operators are usually "short-circuiting" -- that is, the right-hand operation is not evaluated unless necessary -- precisely because of this translation style. Had the second computation been more complicated, it would have been done after the first if
, which would lead to short-circuit behaviour.