
Failing to update Yarn on Windows 7

I am running a Windows7 64bit machine and am trying to update Yarn.

Currently, I have version 1.0.1 and I have tried the following things in order to update it :

All of the above seem to finish their process, but do not actually update yarn.

In my PATH variable, I have


yarn check produces a ton of errors errors

I searched online and in SO, but could not find an answer.

If anyone has any idea as to what I am doing wrong, or what I can do to update yarn, I'd really appreciate it.


  • installation steps

    I have installed node js 8.14.0 which include npm version 6.4.1 from this link file name is node-v8.14.0-x64.msi and downloaded yarn from their site the msi version the stable version 1.12.3

    and yarn is finally installed ....;-) enjoy

    yarn installed