
Data Encryption from UNIVERSE/U2/PICK

I am extracting some data from a UNIVERSE system and want to encrypt it for transfer via email.

I am no UNIVERSE expert so am using bits and pieces we have found from around the internet and it "looks" like it is working BUT I just can't seem to decrypt the data.

Below is the script I have used based on code found on the web:

ALGORITHM="rc2-cbc"                     ; * 128 bit rc2 algorithm in CBC mode 
MYKEY="23232323" ; * HEX - Actual Key 
IV=   "12121212"               ; * HEX - Initialization Vector 

DATALOC=1                           ; * Data in String 
KEYLOC=1                            ; * Key in String 
ACTION=5                            ; * Base64 encode after encryption 
KEYACTION=1                         ; * KEY_ACTUAL_OPENSSL 
SALT=''                             ; * SALT not used 
RESULTLOC=1                         ; * Result in String RESULT 


Below are a few data strings I have processed through this script and the resulting string:



When I try to decode and decrypt the resulting OUTPUT with an online decrypter, I still get no results: https://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/decrypt/

I'm thinking it might be a character encoding issue or perhaps the encryption is not working but I have no idea how to resolve - we have been working on this for a few weeks and cannot get any data that is decryptable...

All setups and fields have been set based on this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ban1zntdy0q27z3/Encrypt%20Function.pdf?dl=0


  • If I feed the base-64 encrypted string from your code back into the Unidata DECRYPYT function with the same parameters it decrypts just fine.

    I suspect something funny is happening with the key. This page mentions something like that: https://u2devzone.rocketsoftware.com/accelerate/articles/data-encryption/data-encryption.html "Generating a suitable key is one of the thornier problems associated with encryption. Keys should be generated as random binary strings, making them obviously difficult to remember. Accordingly, it is probably more common for applications to supply a pass phrase to the ENCRYPT function and have the function internally generate the actual encryption key."

    One option to remove the Universe ENCRYPT function from the picture is to use openSSL directly. It looks like the ENCRYPT/DECRYPT functions are just thin wrappers around the openSSL library, so you can execute that to get the result. I'm having problems with the php page you're using for verification, but if I feed the base-64 encrypted string to an openSSL decrypt command on a different machine, it decrypts fine.

    MYKEY="A long secret key"
    DATASTRING="data to be encrypted data here"
    EXECUTE '!echo "':DATASTRING:'"| openssl enc -base64 -e -rc2-cbc -nosalt -k "':MYKEY:'"' CAPTURING RESULT