I have been trying to implement the below wget download command using chef remote_file resource. But I couldn't find a way to avoid the re-directions.
wget -N --max-redirect=0 http://www.someurl.com/file.zip
The --max-redirect=0 flag in wget makes sure that there isn't any redirection.
The download url is sometimes redirected to ISP bill reminder page. And chef remote_file resource downloads this bill reminder html page as a zip file.
I can just add the command to a execute resource by wrapping it within. Or implement this using ruby-block with open-uri/net-http.
command "wget -N --max-redirect=0 http://www.someurl.com/file.zip"
But is there any Chef like implementation to set the redirection as zero or false?
My chef recipe resource block is
remote_file "#{node['download-zip-path']}/#{zip}" do
source "http://www.someurl.com/#{zip}"
action :create
notifies :run, 'execute[unzip_file]', :delayed
Found out that the remote_file resource couldn't handle redirects. Hence I had to write a ruby_block resource that makes use of 'Down' gem.
ruby_block 'download_openvpn_zip' do
block do
attempt = 2
retries ||= 0
tempfile = Down::NetHttp.download("http://www.someurl.com/#{zip},max_redirects: 0)
FileUtils.mv tempfile.path, "#{node['openvpn-conf-path']}/#{tempfile.original_filename}"
rescue Down::TooManyRedirects => e
puts "\n \t ERROR: #{e.message}"
retry if (retries += 1) < 1
action :run
notifies :run, 'execute[unzip_file]', :delayed