
Should I use react-loadable or loadable-components for code splitting?

I want to split my react code with server side rendering. To do that I have two options.


React documentation suggested to use loadable-components for server rendered apps. But it has very few NPM weekly downloads.


NPM weekly downloads of this package is very high compared to the previous one but according to loadable-components documentation this package is not maintained any more.

react-loadable was the recommended way for React code splitting for a long time. However, today it is not maintained any more and it is not compatible with Webpack v4+ and Babel v7+. Documentation Link

Please guild me with proper package.


  • Even though documentation of react-loadable says that react-loadable is not compatible with Webpack v4+ and Babel v7+, I used react-loadable and it worked. I did not face any issue in both server and client side rendering applications.