
How to start docker from command line in mac

I have docker desktop installed in mac. So in order to start docker, I open applications and find docker. Then I can see a docker icon at the topbar. later I can run docker commands from the command line.

My question is how do I start the docker itself from command line?

Googling fetches me results on how to start a container from command line :|


  • On macOS you'd use launchctl:

    It's unclear which service you are actually intending to run, although the equivalent to service or systemctl on Linux is launchctl on macOS (eg. running docker registry with launchd):

    Copy the Docker registry plist into place:

    plutil -lint registry/recipes/osx/com.docker.registry.plist
    cp registry/recipes/osx/com.docker.registry.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
    chmod 644 ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist

    Start the Docker registry:

    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist

    Restart the docker registry service

    launchctl stop com.docker.registry
    launchctl start com.docker.registry

    Unload the docker registry service

    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.docker.registry.plist

    Run the Docker Registry under launchd