
convert string to array based on pattern in logstash

My original data.

  message: {
      data: "["1,2","3,4","5,6"]"

Now I want to convert value of data field to an array. So it should become:

  message: {
      data: ["1,2", "3,4", "5,6"]

By using

mutate {
    gsub => ["data", "[\[\]]", ""]

I got rid of square brackets.

After this, I tried splitting based on commas. But that won't work. Since my data has commas as well.

I tried writing a dissect block but that is not useful.

So how should I go ahead with this?


  • Have you tried the json filter? If the data field always contains valid json data, you use the json filter like this:

    json {
        source => "data"
        target => "data"

    Using target => "data" will overwrite the data field.