For a project I am working on, I am required to use Spring Security and JSON Webtokens as provided by the library io.jsonwebtoken (jjwt). One of the claims I am required to add to my generated token is the following entity (simplified to illustrate the problem):
public class MyEntity {
private String name;
private LocalDateTime ldt;
This works, but the resulting webtoken is serialized as following:
"sub": "",
"exp": 1523659655,
"entity": {
"name": testname,
"ldt": {
"hour": 0,
"minute": 37,
"dayOfMonth": 12,
"dayOfWeek": "THURSDAY",
"dayOfYear": 102,
"year": 2018,
"month": "APRIL",
"monthValue": 4,
"second": 38,
"nano": 569000000,
"chronology": {
"calendarType": "iso8601",
"id": "ISO"
This might not seem like a problem, but it is in fact a problem when later on I am required to map it to an instance of MyEntity again. After some reading online I figured that I need to change the configuration of the ObjectMapper, to change the configuration options (toggle the WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS
-flag to false). However, I cannot alter the configuration of the ObjectMapper used by jjwt as it's constructed like this (source of jjwt):
public class DefaultJwtBuilder implements JwtBuilder {
private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
Another option I found online was to put the following line in my file:
spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS = false
Yet to no avail, the ObjectMapper used by jjwt seems to ignore these properties.
What would I do to accomplish my goal?
Jjwt documentation states that (from version 0.10.0 and on) you can inject your own ObjectMapper
with a specific compile dependency and implementing the injection as follows:
<scope>compile</scope> <!-- Not runtime -->
... then add the mapper to the JwtBuilder
ObjectMapper objectMapper = getMyObjectMapper(); //implement me
String jws = Jwts.builder()
.serializeToJsonWith(new JacksonSerializer(objectMapper))
// ... etc ...