
QtRemoteObjects replicas being called for every single replica signal

I built a minimal source/replica direct connection QtRo system: https://codeshare.io/29xj4V
What I would like to achieve is uniquely identify the message coming from the source to be a reply to the one sent from each of the replicas. If rep1 sends "hello source, I'm rep1", I'd like the source to reply back "hello rep1 this is source". I would like to achieve the same with 3 replicas running at a very high and different rate. The issue is on every signal to the source the source replies back to all 3 replicas; the way i'm filtering this is by sending the "id" of the replica in text format then append that id back with the message to check for it inside the replica itself, if it's a match then it accepts the message, otherwise it discards it. Although this seems to be working, there's a big overhead here. My question would be: is there a better way to handle that instead of sending an identifier back and forth? thanks


  • The replicas receive the same signals, there is no way to filter that data from the source side. So the filtering must be done on the client's side, for this you can use an attribute that is the identifier and send that data as a new parameter in the signal instead of sending it within the message. So although there is a lot of calls the cost will be minimal since the if statement does not consume much time.


    class RemoteMinimal
        SIGNAL(sendData(const QString &, const QString &));
        SLOT(void printData(const QString &));
        SLOT(void process(const QString &, const QString &));
        SLOT(void triggerSendData());


    #include "rep_remoteminimal_source.h"
    #include <QObject>
    class MinimalSource : public RemoteMinimalSource
        MinimalSource(QObject *parent = nullptr);
        ~MinimalSource() override;
    public slots:
        void printData(const QString& data) override;
        void process(const QString& data, const QString & id) override;
        void triggerSendData() override;
        int m_global_server;
    #endif // MINIMALSOURCE_H


    #include "minimalsource.h"
    MinimalSource::MinimalSource(QObject* parent):
        RemoteMinimalSource (parent), m_global_server(0)
    void MinimalSource::printData(const QString& data)
    void MinimalSource::process(const QString& data, const QString &id)
        emit sendData(data+":"+QString::number(m_global_server), id);
    void MinimalSource::triggerSendData()


    #ifndef OBJECTS_H
    #define OBJECTS_H
    #include <QObject>
    #include "rep_remoteminimal_replica.h"
    class QTimer;
    class Objects: public QObject
        Q_PROPERTY(QString id READ id WRITE setId)
        Q_PROPERTY(double rate READ rate WRITE setRate)
        explicit Objects(QSharedPointer<RemoteMinimalReplica> ptr);
        double rate() const;
        void setRate(double rate);
        QString id() const;
        void setId(const QString &id);
        void sendData(const QString&, const QString &);
    public slots:
        void printData(const QString&, const QString &);
        void process(const QString&);
        void triggerSendData();
        void run();
        int m_global_server;
        QTimer *m_loop;
        double m_rate;
        QString m_id;
        QSharedPointer<RemoteMinimalReplica> reptr;
    #endif // OBJECTS_H


    #include "objects.h"
    #include <QTimer>
    #include <QDebug>
    Objects::Objects(QSharedPointer<RemoteMinimalReplica> ptr): QObject (Q_NULLPTR),
        m_global_server(0), reptr(ptr)
        m_loop = new QTimer(this);
    void Objects::printData(const QString& data, const QString& id)
        if(id == m_id)
            qDebug() << "[" << m_id << "]:" << data;
    void Objects::process(const QString& data)
        emit sendData(data+":processed", m_id);
    void Objects::run()
        connect(m_loop, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Objects::triggerSendData);
    QString Objects::id() const
        return m_id;
    void Objects::setId(const QString &id)
        m_id = id;
    double Objects::rate() const
        return m_rate;
    void Objects::setRate(double rate)
        m_rate = rate;
    void Objects::triggerSendData()
        emit sendData(QString("test:%1:%2").arg(m_id).arg(m_global_server), m_id);

    The complete example you find here