
Take too long Hidden/Post FX/Uber Shader in post processing plugin

2D project (Unity 2018.3.0)

  1. I download the plugin of Unity Post Procesing
  2. Add to the camera the script https://i.sstatic.net/KzJmi.jpg

  3. Configurate only Color Grading https://i.sstatic.net/UCLSI.jpg

  4. Try to build and it takes too long cause appear in the charge bar Shaders. https://i.sstatic.net/e51q1.jpg

Any solution here?


    1. Go to Assets->PostProcessing->Resources->Shaders
    2. Find "Uber" and open the code.
    3. At the first lines of the script do you going to see this:

      #pragma multi_compile __ UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA
      #pragma multi_compile __ CHROMATIC_ABERRATION
      #pragma multi_compile __ DEPTH_OF_FIELD DEPTH_OF_FIELD_COC_VIEW
      #pragma multi_compile __ BLOOM BLOOM_LENS_DIRT
      #pragma multi_compile __ COLOR_GRADING COLOR_GRADING_LOG_VIEW
      #pragma multi_compile __ USER_LUT
      #pragma multi_compile __ GRAIN
      #pragma multi_compile __ VIGNETTE_CLASSIC VIGNETTE_MASKED
      #pragma multi_compile __ DITHERING
    4. Change "#pragma" for "#define" and only stay in pragma if you are going to use this process

    In my case I'm only using ColorGrading

    #define  multi_compile __ UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA
        #define  multi_compile __ CHROMATIC_ABERRATION
        #define  multi_compile __ DEPTH_OF_FIELD DEPTH_OF_FIELD_COC_VIEW
        #define  multi_compile __ BLOOM BLOOM_LENS_DIRT
        #pragma multi_compile __ COLOR_GRADING COLOR_GRADING_LOG_VIEW
        #define  multi_compile __ USER_LUT
        #define  multi_compile __ GRAIN
        #define  multi_compile __ VIGNETTE_CLASSIC VIGNETTE_MASKED
        #define  multi_compile __ DITHERING