I'm developing a web app with angular-meteor (Angular1). This uses webpack as a module bundler. Ever since I started I have found it impossible to inject npm/bower modules to my app module.
I constantly get errors such as:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module xxx is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.
I usually follow official docs which consist of:
But this always gives the error above.
I then try different techniques such as importing the module at the top of the page using:
import exampleModule from 'angular-example-module';
and adding exampleModule to my list of modules but nothing seems to work.
I used angular without webpack before and never had this problem. Am I missing something? Is there a particular procedure I don't know about?
Found the answer in case anyone else had the same question.
You must import the module in the main javascript file like so:
import moduleVariable from '<path-to-module>';
and then include the moduleVariable in the dependencies of your application module.