Is there a convenient way to get an instance of Ord
(or Eq
) to compare any two values of a GADT, irrespective of the type parameter.
In the GADT, the type parameter is phantom, just meant to associate each constructor with a type, e.g. the GADT represent keys/queries, and the type parameter is the type of the associated value/result.
To illustrate:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Rank2Types #-}
data Car = Car -- whatever
data Food = Food
data CarRental = CarRental {passengers :: Int, mileage :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data ErrandList = ErrandList {avoidJunkFood :: Bool}
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data GetStuff a where
RentACar :: CarRental -> GetStuff Car
BuyFood :: ErrandList -> GetStuff Food
data Some t = forall a. Some (t a)
is a GADT, so that each item is associated with a result type, Car
or Food
. I can use that in e.g Free
or FreeApplicative
. I may want to retrieve all the GetStuff that appear in the structure. I can easily build [Some GetStuff]
, but not a Set (Some GetStuff)
, for lack of an Ord instance.
I see that
data GetSomeStuff = RentSomeCar CarRental | BuySomeFood ErrandList
deriving (Eq, Ord)
is isomorphic to Some GetStuff
is phantom in GetStuff), so I can get Eq, Ord, and possibly others by writing this isomorphism:
existentialToUntyped :: Some GetStuff -> GetSomeStuff
untypedToExistential :: GetSomeStuff -> Some GetStuff
untypedToExistential (RentSomeCar x) = Some $ RentACar x
untypedToExistential (BuySomeFood x) = Some $ BuyFood x
existentialToUntyped (Some (RentACar x)) = RentSomeCar x
existentialToUntyped (Some (BuyFood x)) = BuySomeFood x
but it's tedious for protocols much larger than GetStuff. Is there a better way, with or without GADT?
Also, I intend to write code parametric in the "protocol" type (here GetStuff) at this point, where I would like a signature such as
queries :: SomeConstraint protocol =>
FreeApplicative protocol
-> Set (Some protocol)
I may have to do
myFunction :: Ord untyped =>
Iso (Some protocol, untyped)
-> FreeApplicative protocol
-> Set untyped
Again, is there a better way?
Starting with your example
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Data.Type.Equality
data Car
data Food
data CarRental = CarRental {passengers :: Int, mileage :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data ErrandList = ErrandList {avoidJunkFood :: Bool}
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data GetStuff a where
RentACar :: CarRental -> GetStuff Car
BuyFood :: ErrandList -> GetStuff Food
data Some t = forall a. Some (t a)
You'll need to write an instance of
class GEq f where
geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
Then you'll be able to define an instance of Eq (Some f)
instance GEq f => Eq (Some f) where
Some fa == Some fb = case geq fa fb of
Just Refl -> True
Nothing -> False
Writing an instance by hand is repetitive, but not awful. Note that I wrote in the way without "catch all" last case.
instance GEq GetStuff where
geq (RentACar x) z = case z of
RentACar x' -> if x == x' then Just Refl else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
geq (BuyFood x) z = case z of
BuyFood x' -> if x == x' then Just Refl else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
There's a GCompare
class for Ord
of GADTs.
So the problem reduces to "how to derive GEq
or GCompare
I think that for special GADTs, like your GetStuff
, you can
write quick-n-dirty TH, to generate the code.
-like alternative I can think of would require you to
write conversion functions from and to GetStuff
, which
might be a win if you need to write more generic functions.
Let's explore that too. First we define a generic representation
of GADTs we are interested in:
data Sum (cs :: [(*, *)]) a where
Z :: a :~: c -> b -> Sum ( '(c, b) ': cs) a
S :: Sum cs a -> Sum (c ': cs) a
We can convert between GetStuff
and Sum
That we'll need to write for each GADT, this is O(n) where n
is constructors count.
type GetStuffCode =
'[ '(Car, CarRental)
, '(Food, ErrandList)
toSum :: GetStuff a -> Sum GetStuffCode a
toSum (RentACar x) = Z Refl x
toSum (BuyFood x) = S (Z Refl x)
fromSum :: Sum GetStuffCode a -> GetStuff a
fromSum (Z Refl x) = RentACar x
fromSum (S (Z Refl x)) = BuyFood x
fromSum (S (S x)) = case x of {} -- silly GHC requires this :)
Now, as we have generic representation, Sum
, we can write generic
functions. Equality, GGEq
for Generic Gadt Equality
The class looks like GEq
, but we use Sum
as an arguments.
class GGEq code where
ggeq :: Sum code a -> Sum code b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
We'll need two instances, for nil and cons codes:
instance GGEq '[] where
ggeq x _ = case x of {}
instance (Eq b, '(x, b) ~ c, GGEq cs) => GGEq (c ': cs) where
ggeq (Z Refl x) (Z Refl y) = if x == y then Just Refl else Nothing
ggeq (S x) (S y) = ggeq x y
ggeq (Z _ _) (S _) = Nothing
ggeq (S _) (Z _ _) = Nothing
Using that machinery, writing geq
for GetStuff
is trivial:
geq1 :: GetStuff a -> GetStuff b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
geq1 x y = ggeq (toSum x) (toSum y)