I'm almost done with my bachelor thesis about e2e testing. I can test almost anything but i cant record.
I did what everything what is documented on cypress.docs
On the picture below you ca see i set a project, which is private i got the key command to run cypress record but when i open powershell und put the command in, i get this shitty error message (the pic below) which i have no clue about and i cant find anything on the internet, cause it seems like everybody useres mac or linux for running cypress
Please help. how can i solve this?
is a bash keyword to set an environment variable. The Powershell equivalent is:
Or use
Set-Item -path env:VARIABLE_NAME -value 'value'
Cypress must be installed and part of the path in order to be executed. It looks like it isn't at the moment, hence PowerShell complains it can't find any command or executable matching Cypress
. You should probably install NodeJS and then execute:
npm install cypress -g
to make cypress available globally in Windows.