How do I disable the ability for a user to select (direct_select) the midpoint of a LineString in mapbox-gl-draw? I have a custom mode for "annotations", which should only allow for LineStrings with 2 vertices.
I've tried some of the lifecycle hooks in custom modes (, specifically for draw_line_string
, including onDrag. My problem is I don't want the drag point to exist at all (it would involve the user seeing a midpoint, dragging that vertex, and then seeing it snap back).
I've also tried dealing with the draw styles, but they are general to all midpoints (include polygons).
A third way might be to invalidate this outside of mapbox-gl-draw, in my framework, but I'd like to avoid even the ability to select a midpoint at all.
You can achieve that by creating a custom mode from direct_select mode:
import * as MapboxDraw from '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/dist/mapbox-gl-draw';
import createSupplementaryPoints from '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/src/lib/create_supplementary_points';
import Constants from '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/src/constants';
const DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode = MapboxDraw.modes.direct_select;
DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode.toDisplayFeatures = function (state, geojson, push) {
if (state.featureId === { = Constants.activeStates.ACTIVE;
createSupplementaryPoints(geojson, {
midpoints: false,
selectedPaths: state.selectedCoordPaths
} else { = Constants.activeStates.INACTIVE;
export default DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode;
The only thing to do is to set the midpoints
property to false
that avoids the midpoint creation.
After that, use the custom mode to override direct_select mode in the draw options :
import DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode from './DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode';
const drawOptions = {
modes: Object.assign({
direct_select: DirectSelectWithoutMiddleVertexMode
}, MapboxDraw.modes)
const draw = new MapboxDraw(drawOptions);