
how to instantiate more than one CDI/Weld bean for one class?

In Spring it was possible to instantiate any class by defining the corresponding bean in xml conf. It was also possible to instantiate more then one bean for the same class with different parameters.....

Are the such features in CDI as well, namely is it possible to create different instances of the same class with different initialization parameters?

Is it also possible to create a bean without changing the class....I mean without adding annotation?


Let me make an example.

<bean id="someBean1" class="org.mm.MyBean">
    <property name="x" value="xx"/>
    <property name="y" value="yy"/>
    <property name="z" value="zz"/>       
<bean id="someBean2" class="org.mm.MyBean">
    <property name="x" value="other value"/>
    <property name="y" value="yy2"/>
    <property name="z" value="zz2"/>       

How can instantiate two instances of the same class and initialize them with different field values?


  • Two options as far as I can see: