
Organize local code in packages using Go modules

I can not find a way to factor out some code from main.go into a local package when using Go modules (go version >= 1.11) outside of $GOPATH.

I am not importing any external dependencies that need to be included into go.mod, I am just trying to organize locally the source code of this Go module.

The file main.go:

package main

// this import does not work
import "./stuff"

func main() {

The file ./stuff/bar.go (pretending to be a local package):

package stuff

import "log"

type Bar struct {
    Baz int

func PrintBaz() {
    baz := Bar{42}
    log.Printf("Bar struct: %v", baz)

The file go.mod (command go mod init foo):

module foo

go 1.12

When executing go run main.go:

I can not find a way to make local packages work with go modules.


  • First you have to choose a name for your project and write it to go.mod file. This name belongs to root directory of the project. Each new package you create must be located inside its own subdirectory and its name should match directory name.


    module myprojectname

    or (preferred way, see @thepudd's answer for details)

    module github.com/myname/myprojectname

    Then import your project's packages like:

    import myprojectname/stuff


    import github.com/myname/myprojectname/stuff

    Files of package stuff should be located inside project's stuff directory. You name these files as you like.

    Also it's possible to create deeper project structure. For instance, you decided to separate source code files from other ones (like app configs, docker files, static files, etc...). Let's move stuff directory inside pkg, every go file inside pkg/stuff still have stuff package name. To import stuff package just write:

    import myprojectname/pkg/stuff

    Nothing stops you from creating more levels in the hierarchy like github.com/myuser/myprojectname/pkg/db/provider/postgresql, where:

    You can read more about go modules here: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules

    Check out this repository to get useful information about various patterns used in project organizing: https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout If you go inside pkg directory you will find out which open source projects use pkg directory in their structure.