
How to add values from coinmarketcap API to telegram message?

I'm trying to finish telegram bot that will after several commands respond with message... Lost any hope of trying that i can solve this alone. Those commands with predefined message are done and working like a charm, but now I'm stuck on the /price command which should show coin value in the message from coinmarket API respond..

I tried many variants but following results always called for API Call error: or message like [object Object]..

     ALQO: $0.0443407142 | 9.73% 🙂
     ETH: 0.000313592 | 10.14% 🙂
     BTC: 0.0000107949 | 9.5% 🙂
     Cap: $2,545,718

This text above is correct respond from bot... Unfortunately with free API from CMC I can do only price with USD so correct answer should be

       Coinname: Price | Change%
       Cap: Marketcap       

My code of /price command

    //This is /price command code
    'use strict';

     const Telegram = require('telegram-node-bot');

     const rp = require('request-promise');
     const requestOptions = {
     method: 'GET',
     uri: 'https://pro- 
     headers: {
      json: true,
      gzip: true

     rp(requestOptions).then(response => {
     console.log('API call response:', response['data'][3501]);
     }).catch((err) => {
     console.log('API call error:', err.message);

    class PriceController extends Telegram.TelegramBaseController {
    PriceHandler($) {
    rp(requestOptions).then(response => {
    console.log('API call response:', response['data'][3501]);
    $.sendMessage('Cryptosoul: price', response['data']['USD']['price'] 
   }).catch((err) => {
    $.sendMessage('API call error:', err.message);

get routes() {
    return {
        'priceCommand': 'PriceHandler'

 module.exports = PriceController;

Respond from API after node index.js (turning bot on, (message from visual studio terminal)

     API call response: { id: 3501,
     name: 'CryptoSoul',
     symbol: 'SOUL',
     slug: 'cryptosoul',
     circulating_supply: 143362580.31,
     total_supply: 499280500,
     max_supply: null,
     date_added: '2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z',
     num_market_pairs: 3,
     tags: [],
   { id: 1027,
     name: 'Ethereum',
     symbol: 'ETH',
     slug: 'ethereum',
     token_address: '0xbb1f24c0c1554b9990222f036b0aad6ee4caec29' },
     cmc_rank: 1194,
     last_updated: '2019-04-01T23:03:07.000Z',
    { USD:
     { price: 0.000188038816143,
     volume_24h: 11691.5261174775,
     percent_change_1h: 0.29247,
     percent_change_24h: 0.0222015,
     percent_change_7d: 4.69888,
     market_cap: 26957.72988069816,
     last_updated: '2019-04-01T23:03:07.000Z' } } }

The messages that appears after /price command triggered

"API call error:"
"[object Object]"
"Error while running node index.js (bad code)"

Chat with Bot


  • As I could see, you are incorrectly accessing the resulting json response object here:

    $.sendMessage('Cryptosoul: price', response['data']['USD']['price'] 

    Just pretty printing that response object gives a correct way to access certain properties.

        "status": {
            "timestamp": "2019-04-02T08:38:09.230Z",
            "error_code": 0,
            "error_message": null,
            "elapsed": 14,
            "credit_count": 1
        "data": {
            "3501": {
                "id": 3501,
                "name": "CryptoSoul",
                "symbol": "SOUL",
                "slug": "cryptosoul",
                "circulating_supply": 143362580.31,
                "total_supply": 499280500,
                "max_supply": null,
                "date_added": "2018-10-25T00:00:00.000Z",
                "num_market_pairs": 3,
                "tags": [],
                "platform": {
                    "id": 1027,
                    "name": "Ethereum",
                    "symbol": "ETH",
                    "slug": "ethereum",
                    "token_address": "0xbb1f24c0c1554b9990222f036b0aad6ee4caec29"
                "cmc_rank": 1232,
                "last_updated": "2019-04-02T08:37:08.000Z",
                "quote": {
                    "USD": {
                        "price": 0.000201447607597,
                        "volume_24h": 12118.3983544441,
                        "percent_change_1h": 1.48854,
                        "percent_change_24h": 6.88076,
                        "percent_change_7d": 12.4484,
                        "market_cap": 28880.04882238228,
                        "last_updated": "2019-04-02T08:37:08.000Z"

    So we could see that price field is located under USD object wich itself located under quote object, which is missing in your code.

    Proper way to get it would be:

    const price = response["data"][3501]["quote"]["USD"]["price"];

    PriceHandler code:

    PriceHandler($) {
            .then((response) => {
                const price = response["data"][3501]["quote"]["USD"]["price"];
                $.sendMessage("Cryptosoul: price", price);
            .catch((err) => {
                console.error("API call error:", err.message);