
No more access to the history views after migrating from Plone 4.3 to 5.1

I got some problems migrating to Plone 5, and that one is a real blocker.

Whatever the 5.x version I tried to migrate to from our (add-on free) 4.3.18 instance, installing and migrating to Dexterity or not, after migration I cannot use the "view history" button in the navigation portlet to display the history view of the object displayed in the main page.

Hovering (and clicking) over the button, my browser (tried with Firefox and Chromium) displays the following link :


instead of :


The only way to access the history view is to edit the URL manually, adding the @@historyview thingie.

What went wrong and how can I fix this?


  • Confirming described bug and leaving the solution here too, because non-logged in users on github cannot see the whole conversation:

    Go to [SITE_URL]/portal_actions/object/history/manage_propertiesForm and insert string:${object_url}/@@historyview in the field "URL (expression)", respectively do that programatically via a profile's actions.xml.