
GPyOpt get cost variance for optimum X

I've used GPyOpt to optimise a many-dimensional model

opt = BayesianOptimization(f=my_eval_func, domain=domain, constraints=constraints)

After doing so I get retrieve the optimal co-ordinates with opt.x_opt, and the model cost with opt.fx_opt. However, I'm also interested in the variance of fx at this optimal location. How do I achieve this?


  • I solved this for myself by applying the internal GP model to for the optimised x_opt variable, i.e., m.model.predict(m.x_opt). However, the results are, I think, in some normalised and offset coordinate space, requiring a linear transformation to the expected results, e.g.,:

    def get_opt_est(m):
        X = []
        pred_X = []
        for x,y in zip(m.X, m.Y):
        scale = (np.max(X) - np.min(X))/(np.max(pred_X) - np.min(pred_X))
        offset = np.min(X) - np.min(pred_X)*scale
        pred = m.model.predict(m.x_opt)
    print("Predicted loss and variance is",get_opt_est(opt))