I want to add a new key/value pair to a Map which is nested in another Map. If the key already exists it should get replaced.
I thought mergeDeepIn() should to the trick but I get an "invalid keyPath" Error.
The state looks like this:
"title":"I have a question",
'requests' and 'messages' are immutable Maps.
I tried this:
const message = fromJS({
"5": {
text: "test",
state.mergeDeepIn(['requests', 1, 'messages'], message)
The message should get added to the 'messages' Map.
Immutability is a property of a data structure and means: After that data structure is created it will never ever change again. Adding or replacing a value from/to a Map
means mutating the Map
, which is exactly what immutable-js tries to prevent.
What you can do is create a new Map
from your already existing one.
const {Map} = require('immutable');
m = Map({a:1});
Map({...m.toJSON(), b:2}) // Map { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
Map({...m.toJSON(), a:2}) // Map { "a": 2 }
m.set('a', 2) // Map { "a": 2 } , creates a new map same as line above