
Importing Ant Design Component doesn't work

I'm shocked over this problem I'm currently having right now. All my logic literally stopped. Something started not working, without me having changed anything. I mean I even have it on production, the identical code, but locally it started not working, out of nothing. Even when I go back to previous commits, that I'm 100% sure was working, it doesn't work.

Meteor, React, Ant-Design. Please help!

The error is: ReferenceError: Layout is not defined

Code is:

import React from 'react';
import Blaze from 'meteor/gadicc:blaze-react-component';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Layout, Menu } from 'antd';
const { Header, Content, Footer } = Layout;

class LayoutContainer extends React.Component {
  render() {

    const { match, children } = this.props;
    const pathname = match.location.pathname;

    return (
      <Layout className="layout">
        <Header style={{backgroundColor: '#fff'}}>
            style={{ lineHeight: '64px', float: 'right' }}
            <Menu.Item key={'/'}>
              <Link to="/">Home</Link>
            <Menu.Item key={'/create-a-gathering'}>
              <Link to="/create-a-gathering">Create</Link>
          <div className="logo" />
          <Blaze template="loginButtons" />
        <Content style={{ marginTop: 20 }}>
        <Footer style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>


export default LayoutContainer;


  • I should have answered this long time ago, but here it goes:

    As Afaq Ahmed Khan pointed out (that too) :

    import { Layout, Menu } from 'antd/lib';

    is the answer.

    I guess babel in two packages conflict with each other and thus '/lib' to root '/' alias doesn't work.