
What value should be written to run the code correctly?

What value should be written to run the code correctly. I give any amount I do not see any output.

f(T, Y) :-Y is sqrt(abs(T)) + 5*T^3.

main :-
    length(As, N), reverse(As , Rs),
    ( foreach(Ai , Rs), for(I, N - 1, 0,  -1) do
        Bi is f(Ai),
            ( Bi > 400  ->  printf("%w TOO  LARGE\n", I)
                printf("%w %w\n", [I, Bi])


  • Your program works fine. Maybe you forgot to terminate your data input with a fullstop/period?

    [eclipse 2]: main.                     % Invoke 'main' from the ECLiPSe prompt.
     [3,7,5,2].                            % Input the list, terminate with fullstop.

    produces this output

    3 41.4142135623731
    2 TOO  LARGE
    1 TOO  LARGE
    0 136.732050807569
    Yes (0.00s cpu)

    Remember that, if you use one of the primitives that read terms in Prolog syntax (read/1,2, read_term/1,2, etc), each term has to terminated with a fullstop (although ECLiPSe also accepts end-of-file).

    By the way, instead of using read/1, you would normally just pass data as an argument. If you change your code in this way, you can just invoke main([3,7,5,2]).