
I am attempting to upgrade from ember 1.7 to 1.13

I am trying to upgrade from an ancient version of ember 1.7 to the still ancient 1.13 and I am getting .js errors. I am not well versed with ember, to begin with, so all the help I can get will be appreciated.

I changed all instances of the code where it was using Ember.View.extend to Ember.Controller.extend

and since then, I am getting an error

Cannot read property 'noSignedUpAppts' of undefined.


function initEmberApp() {
    Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('stringFormat', function (g11nString, str) {
        return new Handlebars.SafeString(stringUtil.format(g11nString, str));
    ApptApp = Ember.Application.create({
        rootElement: "#appointmentWrapper"
    ApptApp.Router.map(function () {
        this.route("main", { path: '/' });
        this.route("mainParam", { path: "/:val" });
        this.route('mainId', { path: '/mainId/:appt_id' });
        this.route('mainDirect', { path: '/mainDirect/:appt_id' });
        this.resource('userSchedule', { path: '/schedule/:user_id' });
        this.route('scheduleId', { path: '/scheduleId/:appt_id' });
        this.route('userScheduleId', { path: '/userScheduleId/:ids' });
        this.route('scheduleSpecificId',{path: '/scheduleSpecificId/:appt_id'});
        this.route('scheduleDate', { path: '/scheduleDate/:date' });
        this.route('scheduleResource', { path: '/scheduleResource/:resource_id' });
    ApptApp.history = {name:'',view:'',param:null, isSchedule:false}


function initViews() {


function initMain(ApptApp) {

    ApptApp.MainController = Ember.Controller.extend({
        g11n: apptPortlet.g11n,
        ableToEdit: apptPortlet.ableToEdit,
        canManageSettings: apptPortlet.canManageSettings,
        canAdmin: apptPortlet.canAdmin,
        defaultDate: '',
        showMySchedule: false,
        apptId: '',
        isDirect: false

    ApptApp.MainParamRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        model: function (param) {
            var date = moment(param.val.replace(/-/g, '/'));
            return { defaultDate: (date.isValid() ? date.format('MM/DD/YYYY') : ''), showMySchedule: (param.val == 'myS') };
        setupController: function (controller, model) {
            this.controllerFor('main').set('defaultDate', model.defaultDate).set('showMySchedule', model.showMySchedule).set('apptId', '').set('isDirect',false);
        renderTemplate: function () {

    ApptApp.MainIdRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        model: function (param) {
            var items = param.appt_id.split('|');
            var date = moment(items[1].replace(/-/g, '/'));
            return { apptId: items[0], defaultDate: (date.isValid() ? date.format('MM/DD/YYYY') : '') };
        setupController: function (controller, model) {
            this.controllerFor('main').set('defaultDate', model.defaultDate).set('showMySchedule', false).set('apptId', model.apptId.toLowerCase()).set('isDirect', false);
        renderTemplate: function () {
    ApptApp.MainDirectRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        model: function (param) {
            var items = param.appt_id.split('|');
            var date = moment(items[1].replace(/-/g, '/'));
            return { apptId: items[0], defaultDate: (date.isValid() ? date.format('MM/DD/YYYY') : '') };
        setupController: function (controller, model) {
            this.controllerFor('main').set('defaultDate', model.defaultDate).set('showMySchedule', apptPortlet.apptSetting != 0).set('apptId', model.apptId.toLowerCase()).set('isDirect', true);
        renderTemplate: function () {

    ApptApp.MainView = Ember.Component.extend({
        didInsertElement: function() {
            var controller = this.get('controller');

            if (this.processRedirect(controller))

        renderView: function (controller, isRerender) {
            if (isRerender) {
            var g11n = controller.g11n;

                data: {},
                defaultDate: controller.defaultDate,
                showMonth: true,
                showWeekNav: true,
                allowEditing: false,
                calElem: $("#myCalendar"),
                showWknd: apptPortlet.showWeekends,
                updateWknd: apptPortlet.updateSettings,
                g11n: controller.g11n,
                listViewPageSize: apptPortlet.listViewPageSize,
                noApptMesg: controller.g11n.noSignedUpAppts,
                rerender: function () {
                editEvent: function(appt, isClick, revertFunc, rerenderAction) {
                    var resource = {};
                    if (appt.resourceId != '' && appt.resourceEdit)
                        resource = apptPortlet.getResource(appt.resourceId);
                    $.apptDetails({ controller: controller, appointment: appt, g11n: controller.g11n, resource: resource, canAddAttendees: apptPortlet.canAddAttendees, rerender: function () { rerenderAction(); $("#myNotifications").apptNotification('render'); } });
                readonlySources: function (viewName) { return viewName == 'month' ? [{ url: 'rpc/appointmentsinfo/getcalendaraggregate' }] : [{ url: 'api/calendarevents?fullCalendar=true&filter=conflictable' }]; },
                postApptRender: function (appt, elem, view) {
                    if (appt.isReadOnly) return;
                    var item = elem.find('.fc-content');
                    item.html(appt.isOwner ? appt.attendeeInfo : (appt.resourceId != '' ? appt.resourceName : appt.owner));
                    if (view.name != 'month') {
                        item.append($("<span class='fc-cus-event-info'>").html(appt.title));
                    if (appt.id == controller.apptId) {
                        controller.apptId = '';
                    if (appt.newCommentCount > 0) {
                        var ctr = view.name == 'list' ? elem : item;
                        var comTxt = $("<span class='fc-comment'>").append($("<i class='fa fa-comment'/>")).append(view.name == 'list' ? stringUtil.format((appt.newCommentCount == 1 ? controller.g11n.newComment : controller.g11n.newComments), appt.newCommentCount) : '');
                changeView: function(viewName) {
                    if (viewName == 'list')
                    if (viewName == 'month')

                    bindHelpText(g11n, viewName == 'list' ? '2' : (viewName == 'month' ? 0 : 1));
            }, 'month');

            bindHelpText(g11n, 0);

                g11n: apptPortlet.g11n,
                baseUrl: apptPortlet.baseUrl,
                renderFullTxt: true,
                callback: function(apptInfo) {
                    var date = moment(apptInfo.start);
                    if ((date.weekday() == 0 || date.weekday() == 6) && apptPortlet.showWeekends == false)
                        apptFullCal.showWeekends($("#myCalendar"), true, date);
                    controller.set('apptId', apptInfo.id);
                    apptFullCal.gotToDate('agendaDay', date);

                peopleSource: 'rpc/appointmentsInfo/GetUserSearch',
                watermark: controller.g11n.watermark,
                onSelect: function(person) {
                    if (person.isResource)
                        controller.transitionTo('scheduleResource', person.id);
                        controller.transitionTo('userSchedule', { id: person.id, imgUrl: person.imgUrl, name: { full: person.fullName } });

            if (controller.canManageSettings || controller.canAdmin)
                $(".permissionAction").click(function() { ApptApp.history = { name: '', view: 'main', isSchedule: false }; });

            var schLinkAction = this.bindScheduleLink;
            if (apptPortlet.canManageSettings && (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2 || (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 3 && apptPortlet.resourceId.length > 0))) {
                var resource = apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2 ? null : apptPortlet.getResource(apptPortlet.resourceId);
                if (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2 || (resource != null && resource.canEdit)) {
                    $(".permHosts").show().find('a').html("<i class='fa fa-group'></i>" + (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2 ? g11n.apptHosts : g11n.managersAndHosts))
                        .unbind('click').click(function(e) {
                                g11n: controller.g11n,
                                resource: resource,
                                isResource: resource != null,
                                portletId: apptPortlet.portletId,
                                onSave: function(res) {
                                    if (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2) {
                                        apptPortlet.hosts = res;
                                    } else {
                                        apptPortlet.hosts = res.hosts;

            if (controller.showMySchedule) {
            } else {
        bindSidebar: function(controller) {
            var campus = $(".campusWrapper").hide();
            var myfac = $(".myFacWrapper").hide();
            $.get('rpc/appointmentsinfo/getsidebarinfo/', function (sidebarInfo) {
                if (sidebarInfo == null) return;
                if (sidebarInfo.campusResources != null) {
                    var ul = campus.find('#campusResources').empty();
                    for (var key in sidebarInfo.campusResources) {
                        ul.append($("<li>").append($("<a href='#'  class='activeItem apptStrong'>").data('id', key).html(sidebarInfo.campusResources[key]).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('scheduleResource', $(this).data('id')); })));
                    if (ul.find('li').length > 0)
                if (sidebarInfo.currentFaculty != null && sidebarInfo.currentFaculty.length > 0) {
                    var container = myfac.find(".myFacUsers").empty();
                    $.each(sidebarInfo.currentFaculty, function (i, fac) {
                        var div = $("<div class='myFac'>");
                        div.append($("<a class='activeItem apptStrong'>").html(fac.name).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('userSchedule', { id: fac.id, imgUrl: fac.imgUrl, name: { full: fac.name } }); }));
                        if (!fac.hasAvailAppts)
                            div.append($("<span class='pc-details'>").html(controller.g11n.noAppt));
                        $.each(fac.sections, function (j, sec) {
                            div.append($("<div class='inactiveItem itemInfo'>").html(sec));
        processRedirect: function (controller) {
            if (apptPortlet.name == null) {
                return true;
            if (controller.isDirect) return false;

            var date = controller.defaultDate != null && controller.defaultDate != '' ? moment(controller.defaultDate).format('MM-DD-YYYY') : null;
            if ((apptPortlet.resourceId != '' || apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2) && !controller.showMySchedule) {
                var url = apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2 ? 'scheduleSpecific' : 'schedule';
                if (controller.apptId != '' || date != null) {
                    controller.transitionTo(url + "Id", (controller.apptId + '|' + date));
                return true;
            else if (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 1 && !controller.showMySchedule && apptPortlet.hosts != null && apptPortlet.hosts.length > 0) {
                var host = apptPortlet.hosts[0];
                if (controller.apptId != '' || date != null) {
                    controller.transitionTo('userScheduleId', host.id + '_' + ((controller.apptId == '' ? ' ' : controller.apptId) + '|' + date));
                    controller.transitionTo('userSchedule', { id: host.id, imgUrl: host.imgUrl, name: { full: host.name } });
                return true;

            return false;
        bindScheduleLink: function (controller) {
            var showLink = false;
            if (apptPortlet.resourceId != '') {
                var resource = apptPortlet.getResource(apptPortlet.resourceId);
                $(".scheduleLink").html(stringUtil.format(controller.g11n.bckToSchedule, resource.name)).unbind('click').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('schedule'); });
                showLink = true;
            else if (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 1) {
                var host = apptPortlet.hosts[0];
                $(".scheduleLink").html(stringUtil.format(controller.g11n.bckToSchedule, host.name)).unbind('click').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('userSchedule', { id: host.id, imgUrl: host.imgUrl, name: { full: host.name } }); });
                showLink = true;
            else if (apptPortlet.apptSetting == 2) {
                var names = '';
                var userCount = apptPortlet.hosts.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < userCount; i++) {
                    names += " " + apptPortlet.hosts[i].name;
                    if (userCount > 1 && (userCount - i != 1)) {
                        names += userCount - i == 2 ? ", " + controller.g11n.and : ",";
                $(".scheduleLink").html(stringUtil.format(controller.g11n.bckToSchedule, names)).unbind('click').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('scheduleSpecific'); });
                showLink = true;
        bindResourceInfo: function (controller) {

            var ul = $("#userSchedules").empty();
            if (apptPortlet.ableToEdit) {
                ul.append($("<li>").append($("<a href='#' class='activeItem apptStrong'>").html(apptPortlet.name.full).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('userSchedule', apptPortlet.id); })));
            $.get('rpc/appointmentsInfo/GetMySchedules/', function (schedules) {
                if (schedules == null) return;
                for (var key in schedules) {
                    ul.append($("<li>").append($("<a href='#'  class='activeItem apptStrong'>").data('id',key).html(schedules[key]).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); controller.transitionTo('scheduleResource', $(this).data('id')); })));
                if (schedules.length > 0)
    function bindHelpText(g11n, screen) {
        $(".apptHelpWrapper").appointmentHelp({ g11n: g11n, isHost: apptPortlet.ableToEdit, portletId:apptPortlet.portletId, screen: screen });


  • I briefly used Ember 1.7 but only ever with ember-cli. Anyway, I can point out a couple of things I am pretty sure that you aren't doing correctly. First off:

    I changed all instances of the code where it was using Ember.View.extend to Ember.Controller.extend

    This does not make any sense. These are not comparable. If you meant Ember.Component that would make more sense but there's still not a 1:1 similarity. I would recommend studying the Ember.View docs from 1.7 as well as that for components and controllers. You should also give a the Ember.View deprecation guide a read through. The recommended upgrade path is to convert views to components, but components are isolated contexts unlike Ember.View. I think you will have to pass the controller to the Ember.Component instance (would be better to pass the properties needed). Since Ember.Component extends Ember.View, you might not be able to pass via the controller property directly (I don't know if this would be problematic but I would probably avoid).

    Accessing data via {{view.someProp}} or {{controller.thisThing}} can nearly always be replaced by proper use of data passing and block params. See the guide on differences in yielded blocks for a complete example of using block params over the {{view}} keyword.

    I would recommend going all the way through the deprecations guide to understand what needs to change.