I'm using this solution for finding satisfiability for given formula. (by checking SCC). Is there any efficient way (efficient means not worse than polynomial time in my case) how to find value for each variable if formula is satisfiable?
It doesn't have to be in C++, I'm just using the same algorithm.
As described in the linked answer, you can turn a 2-SAT problem into an implication graph, because (x|y) <=> (~x => y) & (~y => x)
To make a satisfying assignment, we need to choose, for every variable x, either x or ~x such that:
Because of the way we constructed the implication graph, rule (2) is already covered by rule (1). If (a => ~x) is in the graph, then (x => ~a) is also in the graph. Also if (a => b) & (b => ~x), then we have (x => ~b) & (~b => ~a).
So really there is only rule (1). This leads to a linear time algorithm that is similar to a topological sort.
If we were to collapse every SCC in the graph into a single vertex, the result would be acyclic. There must be at least one SCC in the graph, therefore, that has no outgoing implications.
Repeat until the graph is empty. The process will always terminate, since removing SCCs doesn't introduce cycles.
Step (2) ensures that, before we remove an SCC from the graph, the current assignment establishes the truth or falsehood of everything that had an implication to it.
If the problem instance was satisfiable, then you'll be left with a satisfying assignment for every variable that is mentioned in the problem.