
How to send proactive notification/ broadcast message using Azure Functions to user using various channels?

I need to send proactive notification to the user that is scheduled at a certain time via Microsoft Bot V4. I am not exactly sure how to proceed with this.

Currently, I am trying to use Azure Function to send proactive message to user however, I'm not sure what to use to connect between bot service and azure functions. I looked at Direct Line but its not clear for me.

Currently, the best approach I can think of is to use Azure Function and Direct Line to send proactive notification to users.

I tested directline API via postman but it didn't work. It says conversational ID not found.{conversationId}/activities


    "type": "message",
    "from": {
        "id": "user1"
    "text": "hello"

After the message is sent it should give me the ID.

    "id": "0001"


I managed to understand my issue with Direct Line. It doesn't allow me to send a message to DIFFERENT channel, like Web Chat or to bot on Skype. Is there any other option to send message to my user on Skype ?


  • Okay so I sorted out my problem. By using REST connector I think I just made big assumption that I have to use Direct Line

    I maybe did not explain clear what my problem really was. Thanks for the replies !