
Warpscript: Operation count exceeded maximum of 100000

I encountered the following error with warpscript

ERROR line #1 in section '[TOP]': Exception at statement '' in section '[TOP]' (Operation count (100002) exceeded maximum of 100000) (Operation count (100002) exceeded maximum of 100000)

This minimal code reproduces the problem:

0 1 100000 <% + %> FOR

Is there a simple way to get around the operation count limit or do I have to split my process into multiple scripts ?


  • Yes, you can use AUTHENTICATE followed by MAXOPS to raise the operation count limit up to the hard limit of the Warp 10 platform you are using.

    For example, if you are using the public Warp 10 sandbox, by default you are restricted to 100,000 operations, but the hard limit on this platform is 2,000,000 operations. At the beginning of your script, you can do:

    '<your-read-token>' AUTHENTICATE 2000000 MAXOPS

    If you have access to the configuration file of the Warp 10 platform you are using, you can also modify the hard limit above that number by modifying the key warpscript.maxops.hard.

    More information about WarpScript safeguard limits are available on this link.