In my react application, I fetch a custom javascript file from the server and append it as a script
tag to the body of document
this newly added custom file contains a method called manipulator
. Now in one of the components, I want to call that function. As I know the function should exist in the window
global object.
if(documnet.getElementById('customJsId')){ // check if the script tag exists in document
window.manipulator(); // which I get Property 'iframeManipulator' does not exist on type 'Window'.ts(2339)
But here I get the compiler error
Property 'manipulator' does not exist on type 'Window'.ts(2339)
which is totally logical, but I did not find a way to create an extended interface for window
or any other way to tell the compiler that there is an optional function in window
called manipulator
Any help is appreciated.
----------Just in case--how the script is added to document--------------
loadProjectCustomJS() {
runInAction(async () => {
thisfetchProjectJs().then((doc) => {
const body: HTMLBodyElement = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
const customjs: HTMLScriptElement = document.createElement('script');
customjs.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'customJsId'
customjs.src = doc.get('resourceUrl');
You can add it to the Window
interface from inside a TypeScript module (ts or tsx) like this:
declare global {
interface Window {
manipulator: () => void;
Or you can create a global global.d.ts
(name doesn't matter, only that it's inside your source directory), containing this:
declare interface Window {
manipulator: () => void;
Be aware that this makes the function available everywhere, also before the script is initialized.