I'm trying to create a string that's composed with multiple parts. It starts as a normal string and at some point a function is called that fills a pointer with an hex number. Like shown below.
PVOID hexval = NULL;
PCTSTR mystring = TEXT("BLA");
mystring += hexval; // just an idea of what I want, not actual code
As shown above I want mystring
to have the hexvalue
appended to it. Assume my hexvalue
is 0x424C41
. I want to end with mystring
being "BLABLA".
What's the best way to do this?
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
int main(void)
ULONG_PTR value = 0x424C41;
LPVOID hexval = &value;
PCTSTR mystring = _T("BLA");
size_t length = _tcslen(mystring);
size_t new_size = length + sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + 1;
LPTSTR new_string = calloc(new_size, sizeof(*new_string));
_tcscpy(new_string, mystring);
size_t offset;
for (offset = sizeof(ULONG_PTR); offset && !((char*)hexval)[offset - 1]; --offset);
for (size_t i = length ? length : 0, k = offset; k; ++i, --k)
new_string[i] = ((char*)hexval)[k - 1];
_tprintf(_T("\"%s\"\n"), new_string);
Maintaining ANSI-support in 2019 is masochism, though.