I have a custom logging service which outputs structured logs in a way that can be shipped to a third party log collection service.
I'm wondering what the best way to make sure that I catch all errors, from HTTP errors, to unhandled JS errors (e.g. TypeErrors, Uncaught Rejected Promises, etc), and ship them to said logger.
Most of the examples I have seen address HTTP errors only.
You can probably have a look to the uncaughtException here but it’s not related to nestjs
But be careful because you can corrupt the stability of your app
You can take advantage of the global filters as describe here https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters
App.useGlobalFilters(new MyFilter())
And if you want to use DI you can add them into the appModule in the providers collection as a custom provider using the token
Provide: APP_FILTER,
useClass: MyFilter