
how i can find the loop invariant and prove correctness?

i am learning correctness and struggling to find the appropriate loop invariant and prove its correctness.

I think the loop invariant should be the t=sum of the positive value but i don't know how to write it correctly or is there any other loop invariant?

SumPos(A[0..n - 1])
// Returns the sum of the positive numbers in an array A of length n. We
// assume that the sum of the numbers in an array of length zero is 
t = 0
i = 0
while i != n do
 if A[i] > 0
 t = t + A[i]
 i = i + 1
 return t


  • Before getting formal, it is sometimes helpful to think in terms of "what stays the same" and "what changes" as regards the loop.* For the loop written, we have these variables of interest:

    So what changes each iteration? The array A does not change. The number of elements n in the array does not change. As written, the sum t might change. The index variable i will change.

    As pertains to the loop, then, folks generally say that i is the variant. It increments every iteration and a comparison of it against n is what exits the loop.

    The invariant of interest to me is that t will always represent the calculated-so-far sum-of-positives. For example, on the first iteration:

    However, as written, the return statement precludes any processing beyond the first element of the array. Moving from theory to practice, how then might you fix the implementation?

    * For the pedantic, the qualifier is important because strictly speaking an "invariant" is something that does not vary -- does not change, or always holds true -- for every iteration of the loop. So? Lots of statements are invariant with respect to the loop! For example, my mother's name is invariant for the loop!