
Is the implementation of `Don't care condition ( X ) in k- map is right

I have a little confusion regarding the Don't care condition in the karnaugh map. As we all know karnaugh map is used to achieve the

  1. complete
  2. accurate/precise
  3. optimal

output equation of 16bit or sometime 32 bits binary solution,till that everything was alright but the problem arises when we insert a dont care conditions in it. My question was that, As even the dont care conditions were generated from the o's or 1's solution of truth table & in karnaugh map we sometimes conclude or sometimes ignore dont care conditions in our karnaugh map groups. so is it an ambiguity in a karnaugh map that we ignore dont care conditions in the karnaugh map beacuse we dont know what is behind that dont care condition is it 1 or 0. so afterwards that how could we confidently use to say that our solution is complete or accurate while we are ignoring the dont care conditions in it. May be the dont care we are ignoring contains a 1 in sop and 0 at pos so according to it may contain an error.


  • A "don't care" is just that. Something that we don't care about. It gives us an opportunity for additional optimization, because that value is not restricted. We are able to make it whatever we wish in order to achieve the most optimal solution.

    Because we don't care about it, it doesn't matter what the value is. We will use whatever suits us best (lowest cost, fastest, etc... "optimal"). If it's better as a 1 in one implementation and a 0 in another, so be it, it doesn't matter.

    Yes there is always another case with the don't care, but we can say it's complete/accurate because we don't care about the other one. We will treat it whichever way makes our implementation better.