When running a cmdlet like Get-WKSWorkspaces, it will return a set of properties about your workspaces (e.g. WorkspaceID, Username, SubnetID, BundleID, etc.), but not everything you see in the AWS GUI. I am specifically trying to pull things like Running Mode, Compute Type, and Creation Time as well, but can't seem to find where to pull it.
In my research, I got up to the point where I was using $AWSHistory to try and dig deeper into the data returned from my previous cmdlets, but have definitely hit a wall and can't seem to get around it.
I do have a partial command that is giving me most of the output I need:
$region = Get-DefaultAWSRegion
$lastuserconnect = Get-WKSWorkspacesConnectionStatus | Select LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp
Get-WKSWorkspace -ProfileName ITSLayer1-053082227562-Profile | Select WorkspaceID, UserName, BundleID, DirectoryID,
@{Name="Region"; Expression={$region.Region}},
@{Name="LastKnownUserConnect"; Expression=
Update for posterity: Actually got something decent to come out here. It's slow, but it renders in a table format pretty well and includes a bit at the start to select your AWS region.
Suggestions for improvement include:
Optimizing the script because it's pretty slow
$lastuserconnect = Get-WKSWorkspacesConnectionStatus -ProfileName $profile $defaultregion = Get-DefaultAWSRegion $showallregions = Get-AWSRegion $exportpath = "" + $env:USERPROFILE + "\workspace_properties" + $defaultregion.Region + ".csv"
$showallregions | Format-Table
$setregion = Read-Host -Prompt 'AWS Region'
Clear-DefaultAWSRegion Set-DefaultAWSRegion $setregion
Get-WKSWorkspace -ProfileName $profile | Select WorkspaceID, UserName, BundleID, DirectoryID, @{Name="ComputeType"; Expression={$.WorkspaceProperties.ComputeTypeName}}, @{Name="RunningMode"; Expression={$.WorkspaceProperties.RunningMode}}, @{Name="Region"; Expression={$defaultregion.Region}}, @{Name="LastKnownUserConnect"; Expression={$_ | foreach {$lastuserconnect = Get-WKSWorkspacesConnectionStatus -ProfileName $profile -WorkspaceId $_.WorkspaceId; echo $lastuserconnect.LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp}}} | Export-Csv $exportpath
Here is an example of fetching those properties you are looking for:
Get-WKSWorkspace | foreach {
$connectionStatus = Get-WKSWorkspacesConnectionStatus -WorkspaceId $_.WorkspaceId;
echo "";
echo "==> About $($_.WorkspaceId)";
echo "Last State Check: $($connectionStatus.ConnectionStateCheckTimestamp)";
echo "User Last Active: $($connectionStatus.LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp)";
echo "Directory: $($_.DirectoryId)";
echo "Compute: $($_.WorkspaceProperties.ComputeTypeName)";
echo "Running mode $($_.WorkspaceProperties.RunningMode)";
echo "State $($_.State)"
I don't see a 'Creation Time' on workspace on the console either.
[edit] I believe you are looking for a way to export these info, may be below code will help:
Get-WKSWorkspace | foreach {
$connectionStatus = Get-WKSWorkspacesConnectionStatus -WorkspaceId $_.WorkspaceId;
$bunch = [pscustomobject]@{
WorkspaceId = $_.WorkspaceId
Directory= $_.DirectoryId
Runningmode= $_.WorkspaceProperties.RunningMode
State= $_.State
$output | Export-Csv -NoType c:\dd.csv