
How can I prevent full page zoom on mousewheel event in Javascript?

I want to be able to use the trackpad and the wheel event to update the scale of a DOM element. It works like expected however on several browsers it also perform a full page zoom.

I want to keep my scale update but I want to prevent the full page zoom.

I've read that adding e.preventDefault in the wheel event would prevent that. I had it but it doesn't seem to work.

Here's my codepen:


  • Event binded at document level (window.document, window.document.body, or window) are treated as passive and can't be prevented. You should specify that the event is not passive with { passive: false } as third parameter of your addEventListener function. See this link for more info.

    In your case :

    document.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
        if (e.ctrlKey) {
            var s = Math.exp(-e.deltaY / 100);
            scale *= s;
        } else {
            var direction = 1; //natural.checked ? -1 : 1;
            tx += e.deltaX * direction;
            ty += e.deltaY * direction;
        var transform = 'translate(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px) scale(' + scale + ')'; = transform; = transform;
    }, {
        passive: false // Add this

    Moreover it won't work on codepen due to the use of the iframe as event is binded on the iframe and not on the codepen page itself.