What is the purpose of the exit files under folder \IBM\WebSphereMQ\mqft\config\qmname\agents\agentname\exits
These files are named mail.jar
and mftexit1.0.jar
How does one enable them to work?
The purpose of the exit files is to extend your Managed File Transfer functionality by writing your own programs as user exit routines.
i.e. You can write programs to archive, rename and encrypt files.
The mftexit1.0.jar JAR file was probably written by someone in your organization, the mail.jar JAR file contains JavaMail APIs, the SMTP service provider, the POP3 service provider, and the IMAP service provider.
For more info check the links below :
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSFKSJ_9.0.0/com.ibm.wmqfte.doc/user_exits.htm https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_ibm_i_71/rzaha/javamail.htm