How to load all data into picker view, now I can load first data only this is my data from JSON response
**jsonResponse ==> Optional([["PlanDate": 18/01/2019, "PlanDateFullFormat": 20190118], ["PlanDateFullFormat": 20190119, "PlanDate": 19/01/2019]])
jsonArray ==>[["PlanDate": 18/01/2019, "PlanDateFullFormat": 20190118], ["PlanDateFullFormat": 20190119, "PlanDate": 19/01/2019]]
jsonDictionary ==>["PlanDate": 18/01/2019, "PlanDateFullFormat": 20190118]
planDate ==> 18/01/2019. ==> I want load all plant date into picker view
Loop json ==> (key: "PlanDateFullFormat", value: 20190118)
Loop json ==> (key: "PlanDate", value: 18/01/2019)**
I cannot load all data into picker view
func getPlanDatetoPickerview(ptruckID: String)-> Void {
//check data shipment for json Dictionary
let planDate: String = jsonDictionary["PlanDate"] as! String
print("planDate ==> \(planDate)")
//show on pickerView
for myplanDate in jsonDictionary{
print("Loop json ==> \(myplanDate)")
self.getpPlandate = [jsonDictionary["PlanDate"] as! String]
}catch let myerror{
// check display plandate in database
I'm assuming your pickerView is set up properly but you are only seeing one row? If that's the case that's probably because of this line of code:
//change array to dictionary
guard let jsonDictionary:Dictionary = jsonArray.first else{
print("jsonDictionary ==>\(jsonDictionary)")
You are only getting the first element of your array.
What I would do instead is just use jsonResponse directly like this:
var planDates = [Any]()
if let jsonResponse = jsonResponse {
for dictionary in jsonResponse {
Then you can use planDates to populate your pickerView.
Or maybe, you are trying to load a pickerView with data from a dictionary?
First, your ViewController has to subclass UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate
Then in ViewDidLoad, set your ViewController as the delegate/datasource for your UIPickerView:
repeatPicker.delegate = self
repeatPicker.dataSource = self
Then implement your Delegate/Datasource methods:
// The number of components of your UIPickerView
func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
return 1
// The number of rows of data
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
// Return number of planDate entries
// The data to return for the row and component (column) that's being passed in
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {