
Version 4.0 localhost testing getting 3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid

I am currently testing the changes for version 4.0 of the protocol for PSD2 using Direct Integration.

I am running under Visual Studio using a localhost website address.

When calling the SagePay payment endpoint with ThreeDSNotificationURL set as a localhost address (http://localhost:15536/Payments/ThreeDResponse) I receive the following error '3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid.'

If I change this field to a fully qualified domain (http://www.google.com) I no longer receive the error, but can't complete my testing.

Using localhost for the termurl in version 3.0 of the protocol works as expected.


  • Did you URL encode the ThreeDSNotificationURL in your post? I send it like that and it is ok: sb.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode("https://www.clientdomian.com/ac/ThreeDSNotificationURL.aspx")); I run the site on my local IIS for development.