
GreenRobot EventBus subscribe based on API level

I'm attempting to subscribe to an EventBus event. Due to the parent class not existing in API level 23 and below, I'm in a situation where I need to conditionally subscribe to said event.

I realize that, through the use of build variants, it is possible to get around this, but I'm curious if there's a more elegant solution. The @RequiresApi annotation doesn't seem to have any effect (maybe stacking annotations doesn't work the way I expect it to).

Some simplified sample code:

class MyClass : OtherClass() {
    @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
    fun onSomeEvent(someEvent: SomeEvent) {
        // do some stuff

Assuming OtherClass() is only available in API level 24+, the app will hang on the splash screen on lower API levels right after Dalvik or the ART realizes that the generated EventBusIndex references a broken class.


  • You could try to tweak MyClass somewhat to move the subscription to another object:

    class MyClass : OtherClass() {
        val subber = Subber()
        fun onSomeEventForRealz(someEvent: SomeEvent) {
            // do some stuff
        inner class Subber {
            @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
            fun onSomeEvent(someEvent: SomeEvent) = onSomeEventForRealz(someEvent)

    You would also need to adjust your subscribe() and unsubscribe() calls to pass in subber instead of the MyClass instance itself.