
Open a CATPart thru CAA and extract Features

I'm new to CAA development. I could able to customize CATIA using VB. Now, I'm going thru CAADoc. At last, I did Hello world which prints on the console window. Can someone put some segments of code which open a Part document and extract the features to excel? Please help me. Thanking you in advance.

Created Hello world. Though it's a Hello world, but the creation of Workspace, Framework, adding a component, etc. it's a too long process. But, felt okay.

Need a flow, after the creation of workspace and framework. How to Start coding, Where to start, where to refer for APIs, what are the headers to be added and a flow.


  • Look at my answer to another question there

    do not mix - CAA which is a bunch of C++ API you can use (through the sole RADE/Enovia Studio plugin for Visual studio) to extend CATIA (along with SiMULIA and DELMIA, and pretty much all that share the CATIA frame) pretty thoroughly. - And CATIA automation that allow you to automate actions in the software by writing vb/vba/vbs code

    starting by the encyclopedia is right though, as both CAA and automation are documented there.