Any advice would be appreciated. I've got a json variable in my web application that I'd like to gzip and upload to S3 through a presigned URL.
I'm able to upload JSON successfully, but I fail to gzip the JSON and then upload it.
The three separate different ways I've tried to build the gzipped json is:
// example json
const someJson = { testOne: 'a', testTwo: 'b' };
// Attempt one
const stringUtf16 = JSON.stringify(someJson);
const resultAsBinString = pako.gzip(stringUtf16);
// Attempt two
const stringUtf16 = JSON.stringify(someJson);
const resultAsBinString = pako.gzip(stringUtf16, { to: 'string' });
// Attempt three
const stringUtf16ThatWeNeedInUtf8 = JSON.stringify(someJson);
const stringUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(stringUtf16ThatWeNeedInUtf8));
const resultAsBinString = pako.gzip(stringUtf8);
For each attempt, I uploaded the resultAsBinString through Angular's HTTP client, with the headers Content-Type: 'application/x-gzip' and Content-Encoding: 'gzip'
But when (and if, oftentimes it gives a network error) the file is afterwards downloaded from S3, when trying to unzip with gzip or gunzip in the terminal, an error message is given: 'not in gzip format'
Sources I've tried to follow:
The following process worked for me:
Generate the presigned URL with Content-Type: 'application/json'. The provided filename should include the .gz at the end. In the returned presigned URL, scanning through the URL should verify the Content Type is application/json.
Because I'm certain my JSON contains no strings that would break the conversion to UTF-8, I then do the following (code in Angular, but it conveys the structure):
const headers = new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'
}); //1
const httpOptions = {
headers: headers
const str = JSON.stringify(geoJson); //2
const utf8Data = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)); //3
const geoJsonGz = pako.gzip(utf8Data); //4
const gzippedBlob = new Blob([geoJsonGz]); //5
upload = this.httpClient.put(presignedUploadUrl, gzippedBlob, httpOptions); //6
Steps followed in the code:
You can then download the gzipped file from S3 (it should automatically be unzipped by the browser) and open it to verify that it contains the same results.