I was following this example and found out that the table takes quite some time to render the tooltip. It doesn't seem to have any delay whatsoever, and I have tried both defaultBrowserTooltip as well as the custom one but both of them are slow. Any given tips on this?
P/S: I'm using React
Some way that I have tried:
tooltipField: 'myTooltipField'
tooltip: (value: string): string => value
As of Ag-grid 23.0.0, this is configurable by the tooltipShowDelay
configuration option.
const gridOptions = {
tooltipShowDelay: 0; // milliseconds, default value 2000ms
For earlier versions, Ag-grid used an internal service called TooltipManager
which was not configurable.
The default delay was 2 seconds:
private readonly MOUSEOVER_SHOW_TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT = 2000;
For these earlier versions, you could manually override it by drilling down through the modules, but for versions 23.0.0 and up this is not necessary.
private onGridReady(params: GridReadyEvent) {
// NB! This is unsupported and may break at any time
try {
(params.api as any).context.beanWrappers.tooltipManager.beanInstance.MOUSEOVER_SHOW_TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT = 0;
} catch (e) {