
PowerShell Get-ItemProperty not finding DWORD in registry

I'm trying to create a script that first checks if there's a key in the registry, and if there isn't; creates it.

$path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity\"
$regkey = "Testkey"
$keyvalue = "0"

if ((Get-ItemProperty $path -Name $regkey -ea 0).$regkey) {
    "Property already exists"
} else {
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name $regkey -Value $keyvalue
    Write-Output "Created key."

What I expect:

What happens:

So basically, for some reason, I'm unable to code the script to also discover DWORD type keys.


  • The issue is with the way you check for the presence of the registry value. You're getting the value, expand its data, and then let PowerShell evaluate the data in a boolean context. A numeric value of 0 in that context evaluates to $false, but a string value "0" evaluates to $true because it's a non-empty string. Likewise a non-zero numeric value would evaluate to $true and a string "" would evaluate to $false.

    To fix the issue you need to check if the registry lookup actually returns a non-empty result:

    if ((Get-ItemProperty $path -Name $regkey -EA 0).$regkey -ne $null) {
        "Property already exists"
    } else {
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name $regkey -Value $keyvalue
        Write-Output "Created key."