I need to create a test variable in my XML Citrus test. The variable should be set from a bean property, like this:
<variable name="zzzz" value="#{beanID.property}"/>
The variable gets created, but the #{beanID.property} does not get evaluated to bean's property value and the variable is set to the string '#{beanID.property}' instead.
The bean property is already available in the test, for example
<message>My best idea: #{beanID.property}</message>
works as expected. Any other variables which are set using the standard ${...} substitution are created as expected.
No error messages from the framework are generated.
The Spring bean property expression language is not supported by the Citrus Xml test specification. Though a good enhancement idea so maybe worth a feature request and contribution to the framework.
If you want to use it right now you can also write a custom function that resolves the Spring bean property expression on the fly.
You can find good documentation about custom functions in Citrus user guide.