I have an application that is using Elfinder. Upon uploading, I need to check if files are being uploaded to a specific folder, for example "DIRECTOR" folder, also to open that folder when a button is clicked.
Get folder name when:
1. File is being uploaded
2. Button is clicked
I have tried adding the commandsOptions, setting folders to true, but I only get the folder information when I select one file. I need to know the folder name every time a file gets uploaded into that folder. I also used getFileCallback in the bind('upload'), but I don't get the path property. I only get the "path" property when I double-click. Does anybody know the correct function to use or how I can get the folder name?
<div id="openFolderDiv">
<button type="button" id="openFolderBtn"/>
<label id="lblOpenFolderBtn">Open Director Folder</label>
$('#openFolderBtn').click(function () {
// open "DIRECTOR" folder
var options = {
commands: myCommands,
commandsOptions: {
getfile: {
folders: true
getFileCallback: function (file) {
if (file.path.includes("DIRECTOR")) {
return file.path;
elfinder.bind('upload', function (event, instance) {
var path = options.getFileCallback(event, instance);
Another problem I'm getting is when I double-click to open a folder, the getFileCallback function gets fired but the folder doesn't open.
I was able to find the answer a while back, here was my solution: In the select handler, I was able to get the folder name by decoding the base64url that was converted from the hashstring of the elfinder item.
var options = {
url: '../connector.ashx',
uiOptions: {
toolbar: [
['mkdir', 'mkfile', 'upload'],
['open', 'download'],
['copy', 'cut', 'paste'],
['duplicate', 'rename', 'edit'],
handlers: {
select: function (event, elfinderInstance) {
if (event.data.selected.length == 1) {
var item = $('#' + event.data.selected[0]);
var hashString = item.selector;
var folderPath = parseToken(hashString);
var folderName = folderPath.split("\\")[1];
if (folderName.toUpperCase() == "DIRECTOR") {
var elfinder = $('#elfinder').elfinder(options).elfinder('instance');
function parseToken (token) {
var base64Url = token.split('_')[1];
var folderPathDecoded = decodeBase64Url(base64Url);
return folderPathDecoded;
function decodeBase64Url(s) {
var e = {}, i, b = 0, c, x, l = 0, a, r = '', w = String.fromCharCode, L = s.length;
var A = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { e[A.charAt(i)] = i; }
for (x = 0; x < L; x++) {
c = e[s.charAt(x)]; b = (b << 6) + c; l += 6;
while (l >= 8) { ((a = (b >>> (l -= 8)) & 0xff) || (x < (L - 2))) && (r += w(a)); }
return r;