I'm able to initialise a state using STM and print it out:
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
data State = State {name :: String} deriving (Show)
type MyAppState = TVar [State]
initState :: STM MyAppState
initState = newTVar [State "hi"]
main :: IO ()
main =
state <- atomically initState
stateToPrint <- readTVarIO state
putStrLn (show stateToPrint)
I have tried to create function to update the state:
updateState :: String -> State -> State
updateState newName s = State newName : s
But I'm not sure how to place it in the main 'do' block without the compiler throwing an error since it expects a type of State
but it is passed a MyAppState
You can use writeTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
state <- atomically initState
stateToPrint <- readTVarIO state
putStrLn (show stateToPrint)
atomically (readTVar state >>= writeTVar state . fmap (updateState "foo"))
We here thus read the content of the state
, then we pass it through an fmap updateState
to update the elements in the list, and then we write that to the state
That being said, it might be useful to look for a state monad transformer, like in the Control.Monad.Trans.State
module of the transformers
Note that your updateState
function is not properly defined, you perhaps want to define this like:
updateState :: String -> State -> State
updateState newName (State s) = State (newName ++ s)