
Not able to find Derby Driver Template in Eclipse

Might be a silly question, but this is creating a problem. I am not able to find Derby Driver Template in Eclipse, not sure why?! I want to add Derby as my DB and build an app, tried searching everywhere online, didn't find any help. If you could let me know how to add a new Driver Template, it'd be great.

I checked in Data Management -> Driver Definition.

My exact problem, in the below link, step 4 -> I don't see Derby.


  • I upgraded to a latest version of Eclipse and it still has the same problem. In my case, I selected the latest version of the drive in name / type and then clicked on the jar list, selected the driver and click edit, put the finder where your drive is and click open. Here is the link that helped me fix the problem, which is about mysql connect but I think it works for all drives. Hope this helps you.