I need to convert in javascript the length of a string to an array of bytes with length 2 (16-bit signed integer) equivalent to C# Bitconverter.GetBytes( short value).
Example: 295 -> [1,39].
As you are using node, a Buffer
is what you need. Check out the documentation here. For example:
//Make a string of length 295
const st="-foo-".repeat(59);
//Create a byte array of length 2
const buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
//Write the string length as a 16-bit big-endian number into the byte array
buf.writeUInt16BE(st.length, 0);
//<Buffer 01 27> which is [1, 39]
Be aware that this will give you the string length in characters, not the byte length of the string - the two may be the same but that is not guaranteed.