I was trying to use awk to convert a space delimited file into a tab delimited file. To my surprise this didn't work as expected:
awk -vOFS=$'\t' '{print}' column.txt
item gram
tomato 500
orange 1500
bread 2000
I was expecting something like this:
item gram
tomato 500
orange 1500
bread 2000
What am I missing ?
Note: many have suggested several alternatives, here are some of them maybe someone is interested.
tr -s " " "\t" <column.txt
column -t <column.txt
perl -ple "s/\s+/\t/g" <column.txt
sed "s/\s\+/\t/" <column.txt
ruby -ple 'gsub(/\s+/,"\t")' <column.txt
python -c "import sys,re; [ sys.stdout.write(re.sub(r' +','\t',l)) for l in sys.stdin ]" <column.txt
Try this:
awk -v OFS='\t' '{$1=$1}1' file
If you just set OFS, it does not do anything. By setting $1
to $1
it will use the OFS since field has changed. 1
is always true, so it will print the line. Same as {print}